

Revolutionary Drywall Compound Additive

Muddskip Drywall Additive transforms existing drywall compound, both dry mix and premix formulas, into a product that looks, acts, and performs like plaster, as a drywall mud.
✓ Reduces Labour by 50% – apply Wet on Wet Coats (dry to touch) in same day
✓ Minimal to NO Sanding in between coats
✓ Increases tensile strength and hardness of compound improving bond capacity

Heavy Duty 3 in 1 Drywall Additive

Use for 1st and 2nd coat can be added to dry quickset mix. It transforms the quick set into a smooth base coat that can be finish coated within minutes of application.
Ready for primer and paint the following day.

Level 5 Smooth 3 in 1 Drywall Additive

  • Ideal for Service/Touch Up jobs  – allows you to finish in 1 day
  • Use for final coat on beads 
  • Achieve a Level 5 finish for Walls and Ceilings
  • Extend your compound coverage to 800-1,000 sq ft for a regular 500 sq ft bucket of compound.
  • How? No Need to sand off your product and add new coats.

Finish the job in 1 DAY:

1) Apply to tape seams with Muddskip Heavy Duty to fill in gaps and smooth with a trowel.
2) After seams dry (about 90 min) or dry to touch, apply Muddskip Heavy Duty to entire wall.
3) After dry to touch (about 60-90 minutes depending on humidity), apply Muddskip  Smooth for finish coat to get the desired Level 5 finish. No sanding needed.

MDFINISHER Muddskip Finisher Conditioner 1 Gallon Bottle EA
MDHD-BAG Muddskip HEAVY DUTY 3 in1 Drywall Additive 3 lb Bag EA
MDHD-PAIL Muddskip HEAVY DUTY 3 in 1 Drywall Additive 5 Gallon Pail EA
MDSMOOTH-BAG Muddskip Level 5 SMOOTH 3 in 1 Drywall Additive 3 lb Bag EA
MDSMOOTH-PAIL Muddskip Level 5 SMOOTH 3 in 1 Drywall Additive 5 Gallon Pail EA