Architectural Reveal Bead Close-UpArchitectural Reveal Bead Close-Up

Trim-Tex Architectural Reveal Bead

SKU: TTAS5150, TTAS5110,TTAS5325,TTAS5130

Creates the sharpest cleanest aesthetic reveals in drywall with ⅛” of built-in expansion. Sizes listed as A x B.

SKU Name A B Pieces Per Box Length
TTAS5150 AS ¼" x ¼" Reveal ¼" ¼" 25 10'
TTAS5130 AS ⅜" x ⅜" Reveal ⅜" ⅜" 20 10'
TTAS5110 AS ½" x ½" Reveal ½" ½" 20 10'
TTAS5325 AS ⅝" x ⅝" Reveal ⅝" ⅝" 15 10'