350 Bull Corner Bead and Archway Close-Up350 Bull Corner Bead and Archway Close-Up

Trim-Tex 350 Bull Corner Bead & Archway

SKU: TT35008, TT35009, TT35010, TT35020

Features a ⅜” radius & extra long legs that allow 350 Bull to absorb extreme impact. Requires a setback of 1/8″. Free cleaning tool included. The only Archway Bullnose that doesn’t require filling of notches on the exposed bead area eliminating 1 coat of mud.

SKU Name Pieces Per Box Length
TT35008 350 Bull 35 8'
TT35009 350 Bull 35 9'
TT35010 350 Bull 35 10'
TT35020 350 Bull Arch 25 10'