1.5 Inch R. Bullnose Molded Corners and Accessories1.5 Inch R. Bullnose Molded Corners and Accessories

Trim-Tex 1 ½” R. Bullnose Molded Corners & Accessories

SKU: TT0914, TT0915, TT0916

Finish corners where multiple beads meet quickly with a molded corner. Base adapters transition bead to a 90° corner for installing baseboard. The Finishing Tool wipes excess mud off of the nose of the bead while helping to fill the notches. Base adapters are designed for 6″ baseboard.

SKU Name Pieces Per Box
TT0914 1 ½" 3 Way Outside 50
TT0915 1 ½" 3 Way Inside 50
TT0916 1 ½" Bulladapter 35